Lance Archer says during his recent injury he was a centimeter away from “being paralyzed or dead”

Lance Archer appeared on today’s “Busted Open” ahead of his title match this evening to discuss returning from injury and shared his thoughts on Adam Page as AEW champion.

Lance Archer was asked how he’s feeling coming back from his injury:

“I feel great. I mean, I’m beyond blessed for the fact that I actually didn’t break my neck,” he said.

“You know, a centimeter a different way, and it could have been a completely different result. I basically gave myself an extreme version of whiplash, because I bounced off my forehead. But if it had been any part of the crown of my head, I probably would have been paralyzed or dead. So beyond blessed that that didn’t happen.”

“The medical staff here has been extremely amazing. You know, they’ve kept me on the road. They’ve kept me in physical therapy here with our guys, and I’ve done everything that they’ve asked me to do before coming back. They had different physical exercises they’ve asked me to do, I’ve stayed on top of them, and they’ve been extremely happy.”

Archer was asked to give his opinion on Adam Page as champion:

“You can’t take anything away from Hangman Page. He went for an hour with Brian Danielson, one of the best in the world, The American Dragon,” Archer said.

“Then he went another 30 minutes and found a way to beat Brian Danielson. He took the title off of Kenny Omega. Again, one of the best.”

“He’s delivered in five star matches around the globe in every company that he’s ever been a part of. So to downplay Adam Page in any way, if there’s any doubt as to Adam Page’s ability as a champion, those two opponents that he’s had, winning the title and keeping the title, should tell you a lot about who he is.”

“Now, I’m not those two guys. I’m a very different element, I’m a lot bigger, I’m a lot stronger, I’m that murder of monsters that I like to say because it’s just fun to say,” Archer continued.

“Him hitting me like he hits those guys is not gonna be the same, and him getting hit by me is not the same. So he’s got to prepare for a different monster than he has in the past with those guys. But again, to downplay him as a champion in any way, I think is a discredit to the people who are watching and to him at all, because he is an absolute champion, and he’s earned that title. But tonight, I’m gonna take it away from him.”

Lance Archer faces “Hangman” Adam Page tonight on AEW Dynamite for the AEW title.

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