Sammy Guevara calls out fan for body shaming Eddie Kingston

After being in the headlines following an altercation backstage, Sammy Guevara has come to the defense of Eddie Kingston.

As previously reported, there was an altercation in Minneapolis several weeks ago following a Guevara promo to the point where things got physical once Guevara returned backstage as Kingston confronted Guevara.

Guevara referred to Kingston as a “fat piece of sh**’ during the promo, which Kingston took exception to as he felt it buried the match if a “fat piece of sh**” beat him. Once backstage, Kingston yelled at Guevara, who smiled at him, and Kingston responded by pie facing Guevara.

Kingston was suspended for two weeks but is expected back at next week’s Dynamite. Both Kingston and Guevara have issued statements on the matter.

A fan recently body-shamed Kingston on Twitter, which led to Guevara coming to the defense of his fellow AEW star by writing the following:

“This is not cool! Leave Eddie alone. The whole thing is over. Let’s all just move on!”

AEW had been planning for Kingston to beat Guevara in a match at All Out before the altercation.

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