Swerve Strickland In Talks With AEW About Renegotiating Contract

Swerve Strickland has come a long way in his pro wrestling career after working years on the independent scene, from making a name for himself in EVOLVE, going to WWE, and becoming a main event star in AEW.

Strickland signed with AEW in 2022, becoming a Tag Team Champion that same year. In 2023, he broke out with a singles run, getting over with the fans.

Strickland became World Heavyweight Champion earlier this year and is just hours away from defending it against Bryan Danielson in the headliner of today’s All In event. The bout was made after Danielson won the Owen Hart Foundation tournament, beating Hangman Page in the finals. They previously worked a match in October 2023 on Dynamite, where Danielson scored the victory.

While speaking with Barstool Rasslin, Strickland noted that he’s in the midst of “a renegotiation stage” with AEW. He praised the AEW locker room, roster, talent, and promotion.

He said he loves being a big part of a company that is still building and growing. Check out the interview below:

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