Will Ospreay appeared on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including his back-and-forth with Triple H.
Ospreay had interest from plenty of promotions bidding for his services, including WWE, AEW, and TNA, before opting to sign with AEW. Triple H had stated that he wanted talent in WWE who were willing to grind and take on their schedule instead of signing somewhere else with a lighter schedule.
Ospreay fired back with a Dynamite promo, in which he talked about the rumors going around about him being afraid of “the grind.” While he wouldn’t usually comment on it, he decided to do so as the man who said he got to where he is by “grinding on the boss’ daughter.”
“He was [talking about me]. I’ve got people that I won’t throw under the bus, saying, Yeah, it was about me. I’m not taking it personally like, Oh, that hurt my feelings. It’s just kind of like, all right, you take a jab at me, I’ll take one back. There’s nothing horrible about it. I don’t hate the guy. I’ve never met him. How can I hate someone that I’ve never even met? [Have you even talked to him?] No, I’ve never spoken to him, I got an agency talk to everyone. I’ve told everybody about my situation and why I want to remain in the UK, which is why that kind of hurt me a little bit, but not to the point where it keeps me up at night. I was like, Okay, you took a jab at me, I’ll take one back, and then that’s it. We’re done. Then someone was at this show that I was doing some stuff for Pro Wrestling Eve, and they do this thing called the Multiverse Rumble, and everybody dresses up as characters, and somebody dresses up as Triple H. I walked in here and I looked, I went I’ve got to do it now, haven’t I? [Why’d you have to do it?] Because it’s funny and if anyone doesn’t think it’s funny, then I can’t tell you what your humor is, but my humor is, this is hilarious. I’m going to do it.”
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