Diamond Dallas Page Has Reached Out To ‘Salute Your Shorts’ Actor Michael Bower, Who Is Dealing With Serious Health Issues

Former “Salute Your Shorts” actor Michael Bower is battling serious health issues causing limited mobility and distress. After Bower expressed interest in DDP Yoga but cited financial constraints, the official DDP Yoga account publicly reached out: “Hey @MichaelRayBower, let’s talk bro… send a DM. We have limited mobility workouts and it sounds like they’d be perfect for you.”

In response to the support, Bower posted on X: “I made the news.. ty for all the messages of love & support & lets hope i can regain some mobility & some beter health once more procedures are set in & after a surgery as well Life gets scary health wise for many so please young people don’t be like me fix yourself early if possible”

DDP Yoga, founded by Diamond Dallas Page, has gained recognition for significantly helping individuals improve their physical health and overcome mobility challenges. Its success stories notably include pro wrestlers Jake Roberts, Buff Bagwell and Scotty Riggs. Another famous example is Arthur Boorman, a disabled veteran whose viral video documented his remarkable transformation from needing crutches to running, largely attributed to DDP Yoga.

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