WrestlePro #8 results: Cody Rhodes vs. Pat Buck

Thanks to Sylvan Gerald for sending us the following:

WrestlePro #8

Rahway Rec Center

Rahway, NJ

By Shin-Blade

FB: @officialshinblade

Twitter: @shinsationalone

Instagram: @shinsationalone

Before the night began, WWE Hall of Famer, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair greeted the crowd.

1) Triple Threat Match: Craven Varro def Delroy Alexander & Sonjay Dutt

2) Chris Avery Queling def Dave Destruction

3) Six Man Tag Team Match: Taboo Crew def The Heavenly Bodies & Buster Jackson

4) WrestlePro Championship Match: Bobby Wayward def Anthony Bowens (c) via interference by Chris Avery Queling

5) Kevin Matthews def Brian Myers via Ego Driver in Brian Myers’s last match before returning to WWE

After the match, Kevin Matthews gave a heartfelt speech thanking Myers.

6) The Asthetic Males def Team Espana & Niko Riko via Beefcake Charlie moonsault onto Riko

7) “Bad Apple” Matt McIntosh def Johnny Clash

8) “Bayonne Badass” Danny Maff def Habib from the Car Wash, Alex Reynolds, Chris Payne Colt Cabana & Mario Bokara to become the Number One Contender to the WrestlePro Championship.

9) The “Abominable” CPA def Grado w/ Special Referee ‘Swoggle

10) Cody Rhodes def Pat Buck via Cross Rhodes

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