Wrestlers outraged after Sexy Star intentionally injures GFW star at TripleMania XXV

If you weren’t watching the Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather fight then you might have been watching AAA’s Triplemania XXV. During the show, there was a brutal women’s match that left one GFW star legitimately injured.

Rosemary, Lady Shani, and Ayako Hamada set out to defeat Sexy Star and capture the AAA Reinas de Reina Championship. The finish came when Sexy Star latched on an armbar leaving Rosemary no choice but to tap out. But even after the match was over, Star kept the submission hold locked in. She even let go and returned for a little extra punishment which you can see below.

It turned out this was a shoot and the submission hold actually popped Rosemary’s arm out of place. It’s being reported Rosemary won’t miss any time in the ring due to this injury but it’s still not a very good thing to happen in the ring. It’s also said Sexy Star and Lady Shani were previously shoot fighting during the match and before they left Vampiro took Sexy Star to Rosemary so she could apologize.

Even though an apology can go a long way there were still plenty of people in the pro wrestling community who weighed in to show their displeasure. From the sound of it, Sexy Star has a lot of catching up to do if she wants to regain some trust.





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