Jay Lethal says All In proves WWE doesn’t own professional wrestling

Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Champion Jay Lethal was recently interviewed by Alicia Atout backstage at All In after his win over Flip Gordon. During the interview, Lethal made some rather interesting comments. He said All In is proof that WWE doesn’t own professional wrestling:

“Today is something extremely special,” said Lethal. “There is history being made today. Today is the All In show, and today is proof that the WWE, like Cody said, does not own professional wrestling. There is an arena full of people, 10,000 plus, who came out to see some of the best performers in the world.

“And I can think back to kindergarten and first grade when my teacher asked me, ‘Jay, what do you want to be when you grow up?’ I didn’t want to be something, I wanted to be someone. That particular person happened to be my idol, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage. Your brother (pointing to Lanny). So, to fast forward now and looking exactly what I’m doing, I mean, the inner child in me is smiling so hard because I’m living my dream.”

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions

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