Chelsea Green explains how she was able to wrestle at Impact Wrestling Slammiversary with a broken arm

On a recent episode of “Green with Envy,” Chelsea Green talked about her return to Impact Wrestling, how she was able to wrestle with a broken arm, and more.

Here are some highlights:

Green talked about returning to Impact Wrestling:

“I’m actually so happy to be back in Impact Wrestling for so many different reasons.  It’s a familiar place obviously, with familiar faces.  I already know what to expect.  I’m not at all saying it’s an easy job or that I was ready to jump right back into wrestling by any means because, full transparency, I absolutely was not ready to jump back into things.  It was definitely my first instinct when I got fired from WWE to pick up the phone and call my old bosses at Impact Wrestling.  I feel like I would be stupid not to reach out and see what opportunities are available, and what doors are still open.  They were open.  I left Impact on great terms with everyone on a really positive note.  I’ve kept in touch with everyone throughout the years, so I wasn’t necessarily surprised about that.  It was obviously an easy call for me to make.  I also had a lot of great conversations before I left Impact about how I needed to go to WWE and see what it was all about for myself.  I couldn’t just let someone else tell me that WWE is the best, WWE is the worst, WWE is the most toxic, or the only place you’re going to succeed.  I just needed to see and decide for myself.  My bosses at Impact knew that’s what I was going to do, I did it, and now I’m back.  Impact welcomed me back this weekend with open arms, and I’m so thankful for them.  When I was first booked for Slammiversary, we didn’t know what I would be doing.  It’s funny because it seemed like Twitter knew what I would be doing.  Everyone assumed and tweeted that I was going to be wrestling my best friend, Deonna, who is the Impact Knockout Champion.  Well, surprise Twitter, that was never the plan.”

Green explaining how she was able to wrestle at Slammiversary with an injured arm:

“One thing that wasn’t familiar, clearly, was wrestling with a broken arm.  Slammiversary was in Tennessee.  They don’t have a health commission, so a health commission can’t ban me from wrestling with a broken arm, so I did it.  Obviously, last week I was upset that I couldn’t wrestle for Ring of Honor in the Women’s Championship Tournament, but I understood why.  The Maryland commission was not having any of it, but in Nashville, however, it is balls to the walls.  We were good to go.  I took the opportunity, and I ran with it, cast and all.  I will say that it doesn’t feel great.  It doesn’t feel 10 out of 10, but it was 10 out of 10 worth it, 100% worth it.”

Green cleared up the chain of events of when she won the Impact Knockouts Championship  a few years ago and giving notice to go to WWE:

“Let’s just set the record straight.  I had already decided to ask for my release from Impact Wrestling before going to the tapings where I won the title.  Nobody told me I was going to win the title prior to getting on the plane to go to the tapings.  I wasn’t even supposed to win the title.  If my assumptions are correct, Tyra Valkyrie was supposed to win the title in the finals against Rosemary, the match where I ended up winning the title.  She didn’t because she wasn’t able to cross the border.  They told me at the last minute, the day before, that I was winning.  I was in no position to win the title.  I was very new to wrestling, only two years under my belt.  As if I just up and quit after winning the title because I thought, ‘WWE is going to hire me now that I’m the champ for two seconds.  There were months of thought put into this decision.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “‎Green with Envy with Chelsea Green” with a h/t to for the transcription.

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