Spoilers for Thursday’s Impact

These are spoilers for Impact. The show was taped yesterday:

Eric Young was backstage with MVP.  Ken Anderson, Gunner and Bobby Roode all wanted a title shot since they all won their matches on Sunday.  MVP said he came up with a concept, an endurance challenge.  Everyone got to pick a card from a deck of cards.  The person with the high card sits back.  The other two face each other and he faces the winner.  So it ended up with Anderson vs. Gunner, winner face Roode for the title shot.  The winner of that match faces Young for the title in the main event.

Magnus is mad he wasn’t offered a title match.  Abyss attacked Magnus, who ran away.

Bully Ray came to the ring with a table that had the name “Dixie” on it.  Billy claimed he suffered a rib injury but that if Dixie Carter is in the building tonight she is going through a table.

Gunner b Ken Anderson when James Storm’s interference backfired

EC 3 does an interview.  Next week he is facing Kurt Angle.  Tonight he has an exhibition match with Rockstar Spud.

EC 3 and Spud were doing their exhibition when Kurt Angle vowed that in seven days, he will bring pain to EC 3.

Bobby Roode b Gunner to get a shot at Eric Young

Dixie Carter was in the building, flanked by security guards.  The guards brought the table with her name on it into the ring.  She sat on the table and cut a promo about being double-crossed at Lockdown.  She said she made history at Sacrifice by putting the master of the tables through two tables.

Willow b James Storm via DQ.  Storm shoved down the ref for the DQ.  Anderson ran in and laid out Storm for screwing him in his match with Gunner.

The Beautiful People are dressed up in evening gowns.  Then they claimed they were going to take off all their clothes.  They teased it and then stopped and made fun of the crowd.  Love talked about winning the Knockouts title for a sixth time.  Gail Kim came out and said she plans on stripping The Beautiful People of everything.  She chased them out of the ring.  As they were runningn to the back, Madison Rayne and Brittany tore their dresses off.

Seiya Sanada & The Wolves b Bro Mans & DJZ.

Eric Young b Bobby Roode to keep the title

This was taped for May 8 (rest will be taped tonight)

Knux b Kazarian.  Knux has an entourage including his girlfriend, a clown, two men on stilts and a bodybuilder.

Eric Young promised that the TNA title would be defended every week on television.  He said if there’s a week TNA doesn’t book him in a match, he’ll book himself.  Bobby Roode demands a rematch.  He claimed he was tired after wrestling a match while Young was fresh and even then he almost won.  Roode said that if he lost, he wouild never ask Eric for another title shot.  They shake hands and agree.

EC3 b Kurt Angle.  EC 3 worked over the knee until they did another injury angle and Kurt couidn’t continue.  EC 3 pinnied him after a spear to the knee.

MVP came out and said Young vs. Roode was not happening tonight.  He said that the wrestlers are paid by TNA and TNA sets up the matches and wrestlers can’t make their own matches.  MVP said that he’s got a blockbuster announcement about Young’s opponent at Slammiversary.  Roode came out and was mad.  MVP said that Roode just got hit shot and lost and in TNA you have to earn title matches.  This led to Roode and MVP having a pull-apart brawl.

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