Spoilers from the January 11th Impact Wrestling TV tapings

TNA held an Impact Wrestling TV taping on Wednesday from Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. Here are the spoilers:

— Jessie Godderz defeated Eddie Kingston. Post-match, DDC walked down to the ring and tried to attack Godderz, but Godderz got out of the ring and walked to the back.

— Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards. During the match, Davey Richards took away the title from Lashley as he was about to use it. Eddie nearly had the match won, but Davey ended up pulling the ref out of the ring. Angelina Love was sitting next to Alexxis Neveah. Love attacked her. Davey ran in and attacked Edwards after the match.

— The Hardys walked out and unveiled a new and improved Vanguard 1. They said that they will teleport all over the world and defeat every team and win every title no matter what promotion it is in. They tease going to the Honorable Ring to face The Bucks Of Youth or going to MeekMahan’s company. Matt touches Vanguard 1 and the lights go out then back on, and the Hardy’s, as well as Vanguard 1, are gone. Jeremy Borash noted that Broken Matt texted him and said they were in Tijuana, Mexico.

— TNA Grand Championship Match: Drew Galloway (c) defeated Mahabali Shera

— Tyrus hosts his own ‘Fact of Life’ segment. He said that no one owns him, and he will see Drake in the ring next week.

— X Division Championship Match: Trevor Lee (c) defeated DJZ. Post-match, Andrew Everett runs out to save DJZ from Lee.

— Cody and Brandi Rhodes are in the ring. Cody cut a promo about wrestling all over the world and said that he’s back in TNA. Cody mentions the Anthem owl logo and says they need to name it, then says the crowd is too sweet. He wanted to thank Moose and called him out, which he did. Cody thanked him for helping out Brandi against The Decay and said that Moose is like family now. Cody ends up getting mad about Brandi having Moose’s phone number, then asks if they intended to sleep together. Cody kicks Moose in the balls. Cody ends up beating Moose down, then he makes a Bullet Club hand gesture and grabs Brandi’s arm to leave.

— Jessie Godderz defeated Bram.

— Jade walks down to the ring and cuts a promo about Rosemary. She calls her out. Rosemary says The Decay is finished with her. Jade disagrees and challenges Rosemary to a Last Knockout Standing match, and Rosemary agrees to it.

— Tyrus defeated Eli Drake via disqualification

— Allie comes to the ring at Maria’s request and invites everyone to attend the wedding of Braxton Sutter and Laurel Van Ness.

— Cody Rhodes was supposed to wrestle Moose. However, Moose comes out and says that he doesn’t care what club Rhodes is in. Moose said that he would make Cody regret what he did. Cody blindsides Moose, and they brawl at ringside, and security has a tough time keeping them separated.

— TNA X Division Championship Match: Trevor Lee (c) defeats Andrew Everett

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