TNA says that a former Knockout Champion expected to return tonight

TNA issued the following for tonight’s Impact:


Former Knockout Champion expected to return to TNA tonight during Impact Wrestling tonight on Spike TV 9/8c. 

More details as we receive them.

Preview TONIGHT’S IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast on SpikeTV at 9/8c LIVE from Universal Orlando! If you can’t catch the action on Thursday, make sure to set your DVR!

– Thursday’s IMPACT will feature the aftermath from the Lockdown epic event! Tune in for all the fallout, latest news and updates on your favorite wrestlers after the Steel Cage Pay-Per-View in Miami!

Video: Preview Thursday’s IMPACT on SpikeTV

– Magnus is STILL the World Heavyweight Champion after going to war with Samoa Joe at Lockdown! However, it was a shocking return by Abyss that helped Magnus keep the gold, as Abyss went ballistic and helped Magnus annihilate Joe inside the cage! How will The Samoan Submission Machine react to Abyss costing him his chance at reclaiming the World Title? Will all hell break loose on Thursday? Why did Abyss do it? Find out more on Thursday!

– Plus, MVP is in full control of wrestling operations in TNA and IMPACT after Team MVP defeated Team Dixie in the Lethal Lockdown match – also featuring the debut of Willow, plus an unexpected assist by Bully Ray in helping MVP get the win! Dixie Carter was FURIOUS after the match! What will happen Thursday now that MVP has the power?

– After losing control of wrestling operations of TNA Wrestling, Dixie Carter has gone “dark” and not been heard from.  Her “Chief of Staff” Rockstar Spud will host a special THANK YOU DIXIE tribute on Thursday’s broadcast! 

– Why did Bully Ray doublecross Dixie Carter and help MVP win control of wrestling operations? According to Bully Ray on Twitter, he will explain his actions on Thursday’s IMPACT! Tune in and find out!

– Bobby Lashley made his surprise return at Lockdown, answering Ethan Carter’s Open Challenge! What’s next for the superstar? Will we hear from Lashley on Thursday’s broadcast?

– After his debut at Lockdown, the bizarre masked superstar Willow will appear on Thursday’s LIVE IMPACT on SpikeTV!

– Plus, Thursday’s broadcast will feature the IMPACT debuts of new X Division Champion Sanada and the high-flying luchadore Tigre Uno!

All this and much more on Thursday’s IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast LIVE from Universal Orlando on SpikeTV at 9/8c.

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