Becky Lynch’s ex-boyfriend addresses how her real-life heat with Charlotte Flair started

Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch came up in WWE through NXT together as they were part of the Four Horsemen of WWE group alongside Bayley and Sasha Banks.

It’s no secret that they’re no longer friends. They had a backstage confrontation after their championship exchange segment on a November 2021 episode of SmackDown. Lynch has stated that there is real-life heat between them, and they no longer talk with each other.

While appearing on the Wrestling with Freddie podcast, Lynch’s ex-boyfriend Jeff Dye commented on her relationship with Flair. He indicated that their on-screen feuds would become personal when asked what it’s like to date a wrestler.

“I dated Becky Lynch in case people are curious and she’s awesome. The only thing…it didn’t change my perception at all. I will say this, I hope I’m not sharing too much here, but they would take it really personal. Like when her and Charlotte were feuding, I would listen to her be like, ‘I can’t believe Charlotte’s actually getting mad at me.’

I was like, ‘You guys do know this is a storyline, right? You guys don’t have to actually be upset with each other for this to work.’ But I think it’s like comedy or show business or maybe even if you work at a warehouse or you work at Target or you work at Best Buy, you get competitive, right? You want the promotion or you want the raise or you want some position, and so that’s just part of it for them.

Charlotte had a difficult time that Becky was starting to become the face of the female wrestling thing, and I guess it wasn’t surprising that it didn’t change my perspective, but it was interesting to see how genuinely like when you’re struggling on the roster like it impacts their personal life….it’s a little more real than I thought for sure.”

You can listen to the entire podcast by clicking on the player below:

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