CM Punk’s AEW press conference comments may have been planned out weeks ago

CM Punk may have had Colt Cabana on his mind prior to the AEW All Out media scrum and, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, he made a reference to the scrum a couple of weeks ago.

If you watched the AEW live stream of the scrum, then you may have gotten the impression that Wrestling Inc’s Nick Hausman asked Punk about Colt Cabana. That wasn’t the case and, as seen in the video below, it was Punk who brought up Cabana unprompted.

Meltzer wrote the following in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter: “One person noted that Punk two weeks ago when he returned said that the press conference after the PPV would be interesting.”

Bryan Alvarez said the following on Wrestling Observer Radio: “I do know that if you talk to people there…they believe that this had been planned and that he was fully intending to go in and do exactly what he did on that day.”

Meltzer added, “It was very clear it was planned because it was so practiced and everything. I think that the idea was he wanted to use Nick Hausman to tell his speech on Colt Cabana, which was pretty out of context, really.”

As for the backstage fight that took place after Punk’s comments to the media, the investigation is ongoing and there are different versions being told about certain aspects of the fight but reportedly key witnesses had similar stories about what happened.

Meltzer wrote, “The story of the Young Bucks breaking down the door or kicking down the door to get in was said to be not true by multiple people who would know, given they got in late and there was no door broken down.”

AEW and Jacksonville Jaguars Chief Legal Officer Megha Parekh was there but it’s not clear if she was there with The Young Bucks or if she was already there for another reason. The claim is that Matt and Nick Jackson walked in without knocking and Punk’s side claimed that they barged in and an argument started which led to Punk punching Matt, possibly multiple times. Meltzer noted in the Observer that those close to Punk said that it was clear that a fight was going to happen and that is why Punk punched first.

Lucy Guy, the wife of Ace Steel (real name Chris Guy), was said in the room and she wasn’t able to move too well because she has a broken foot as the fight broke out in front of her. The belief is that she was there to take care of Punk’s dog, Larry. Also, one witness believes that things happened so fast that The Bucks and Omega may have not realized that she was there.

Steel, who was backing his friend Punk, reportedly hit Nick in the eye with a chair and Nick was said to have been shaken up and suffered a black eye and Punk was bleeding again from the cut from his match with Jon Moxley. Omega reportedly had his hair pulled and was bitten by Steel. It was explained that Steel thought that Omega was going to crossface or choke him so the bite happened because Steel bit Omega “as he was trying to separate Steel and Nick.”

Those who were part of the fight or were witnesses have been taken off the road. No one has been fired. Related: Things are reportedly leaning towards CM Punk not returning to AEW.

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