Freddie Prinze, Jr: I Wish Ronda Rousey Didn’t Hate Wrestling, Wrestling Really Wanted To Like Her

Ronda Rousey has been very outspoken about her time in WWE. Rousey talked about her disdain for Vince McMahon and the way her creative was handled.

Rousey recently stated that she felt like the red carpet was rolled out for Logan Paul and they have made sure that he gets plenty of rehearsal time for his matches, which is something she wishes was done for her after her debut match at WrestleMania several years ago.

Rousey has also stated that she’s very unlikely to return to WWE and would be happy doing independent shows near her home. While speaking on the “Wrestling with Freddie” podcast. Freddie Prinze, Jr. gave his thoughts on why Ronda’s run in WWE didn’t work out as well as some had hoped.

He said, “At the end of the day, on the mic, she couldn’t communicate and connect with the audience. In the ring, her moves weren’t as good in professional wrestling as they were in judo. I just don’t think she was able to put in the work necessary to improve those things. I wish she didn’t hate wrestling, though. Wrestling really wanted to like her and I felt like wrestling gave her a good chance, but yeah, man. That one didn’t work”.

Rousey hasn’t done much wrestling since leaving WWE last August. She appeared at an ROH taping and has done a couple of independent shows but, while she says a WWE return is not likely, she hasn’t shut the door on wrestling again.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Wrestling with Freddie with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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