Kevin Nash Responds to LA Knight Taking a Shot at Him on WWE SmackDown

WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash’s latest “Kliq This” podcast is up now on all streaming apps. 

Nash was asked to give him thoughts on Larry Zbyszko’s recent comments that he created the NWO storyline:

“The only problem with Larry’s story is that I was signed to a deal. Pac wasn’t. He wasn’t coming. So I gotta say that’s the first I’ve heard of it. I call bullsh*t. It’s crazy because the only person I ever had a conversation with was Eric and Kevin Sullivan. Eric Bischoff says it best. You ask five people that were in a room in ’93 a story and you will get fu**ing five completely different answers.”

On LA Knight taking a shot at Kevin Nash on SmackDown, Nash had the following to say (note: he was being sarcastic/comedic in his tone):

“I had read different things where he took a shot at me and I said, ‘How’s that really taking a shot at me?’ I said, ‘So what you’re basically saying is this is a guy that basically is a bottom feeder. I mean, the guy, it took him 29 years to get over so he’s gonna make mistakes along the way because he wasn’t like he had any kind of clear cut pattern or plans to make it besides he figured he just, The Rock and Steve have been gone long enough that he would just do their sh*t. I hear, I see where he’s up for a new contract. So I called Triple H. I said, ‘What’s the deal with this? You know, because early it said that, you know, negotiations are going great and all of a sudden it seemed like there was a hitch. Paul told me, he goes, ‘I didn’t understand why this kid, and I use that term lightly.’ I said, ‘What do you mean? He goes, ‘Kid. The guy is my age.’ I said, ‘I don’t think he’s quite your age.’ ‘ He’s pretty damn close.’ ‘I said, are you more worried about the fact his fan appeal will recede as fast as his hairline is? Is that something you’re worried about?’ It’s bad enough like I said, unless you’re just a knob gobbler, there’s no way you would pick those sunglasses as a pair of sunglasses that you would wear. Paul said, ‘We’re so far apart because the only way I’ll sign this guy is on a nostalgia act.’ I said, ‘You mean like me, like, be on the legends.’ He goes, ‘Yeah, well he’s doing their sh*t. I can’t give him the same pay as guys that are going out there and doing original sh*t.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Kliq This TV with a h/t to for the transcription.

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