Kevin Nash says his comments about Hulk Hogan on A&E’s NWO doc were taken out of context

On the latest “Kliq This” podcast, Kevin Nash was asked by Sean Oliver, “A&E premiered their new season of WWE’s Legends special, their 2-hour documentaries that they do about WWE stars and factions perhaps. They kicked off the new season with the NWO edition. When you go off and do these things and then you get the final product, you see it on television, how often is it what you were pitched or what you imagined it to be, or are you sometimes disappointed with the final product?”

Nash responded, “I would say 99.97% of the time, I think it’s fu**ing rotten. It’s funny because people who are in our business, in our industry, that watched a lot of that happen live, like Eric (Bischoff) is talking on that and he says some different things, but it’s so hyper-edited. I’m hearing what they’re using for my sound bite, and I’m thinking like, wow, that wasn’t even in that context. It’s almost like I came across harsh at Hogan the way they edited me. There was a three or four minute part in there where I was discussing to them that night he joined us. I’m in the ring and my mind I’m saying, ‘Fu**, that’s Hulk Hogan, like, Hogan’s with us’, because I equate it as a mark, like Hogan was nothing but the main event. That’s what Hogan was. He was just a main event guy. If you were in something with Hogan, especially in that fu**ing red and yellow. But, if you would have heard me say that during that show, I think coming from me, a part of the faction, is more impactful than somebody else or a voice over person stating how over Hulk is or was or wasn’t.”

On the heat he had with Piper when both were in WCW:

“I didn’t care for Roddy at all. I thought he was a bully. I think he bullied people. I think he kind of bullied his way around. He told a lot of fu**ing stories about being really good with his hands and all this other sh*t. He came at me one night in the fu**ing locker room in Boston and I fu**ing b*tch smacked him. Hulk was in that room and so was Pac (X-Pac) that are still alive. Randy (Savage) was in there. I don’t know if Eric was in there or not.”

“I remember when Piper had his podcast. He called me up on the phone and he said, ‘Can we go over it and I’ll say I threw you out of the room?’ ‘No.’ I guess somebody had brought it up and it was his torn quad. There were people that just kept going to it.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription. 

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