Kevin Nash says people in WWE tried to dismantle everything Triple H did in NXT: “I thought that was f**ked up, man”

Kevin Nash and Sean Oliver covered Triple H’s career on the latest “Kliq This” podcast on Nash talked about meeting Triple H for the first time in 1995, how he fit into the Kliq even though he wasn’t into pills and alcohol like the rest of the crew was, Triple H’s rise to power in WWE, the Curtain Call, Chyna, bodybuilding, and several other topics.

Nash put over Triple H as a great person and he credited his mother and father for raising him the right way.

“You have to meet his mother and father,” Nash said. “His mother and father are like salt of the earth. Two of the nicest human beings on the planet. His socialization process is as close to Leave It to Beaver as probably you could have. I guess when you don’t go through life with a f**king backpack full of f**king baggage. I think that maybe life’s a little bit — He just didn’t have [baggage]. It was strange because I’ve just never been around anybody with no vices. Like wow, like you’re really f**king talented, you cut a good promo, you’re vegan, you’re funny as f**k, you don’t miss a workout, and you don’t have any vices.”

Sean Oliver asked Nash if Triple H is a great listener. Nash said, “He’s got an eye for talent, that’s for sure. Look at the people that he’s kind of hand-picked and pushed up on the WWE product on Raw. Every time one of them went up there, man it was just like, ‘how quick can we dismantle what got him over and f**k this dude up?’ It was just like when he got sick when he had the heart episode. They couldn’t f**king get down there and dismantle what he had built in NXT quick enough. I thought that was f**ked up, man.”

Oliver asked Nash what was the impetus of that and Nash said, “I don’t f**king know. I asked Shawn about it and he was just like, Shawn is so changed. He’s just not a sh*t disturber anymore. He does his job, he does it well and he does the best he can and he goes home to his family.”

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