Mick Foley on if media scrums are a good idea, the difference between signings at his one-man show and at conventions

WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley spoke with NBC Sports Boston’s Steve Fall about his new project Foley is Pod, wrestling media scrums, Al Snow, autograph signings, amusement parks, and other topics. Scroll down to watch the entire interview.

Here are some highlights:

Foley talking about whether he thinks media scrums are a good idea:

“I would have loved to have had the opportunity to address the media after the matches. I think it’s something that has been missing. Now, of course, you know, the latest one in AEW turned out a little unusual in a way that might not be good for business. But I like the idea of Roman Reigns talking to the press after a big victory. I think it gives that added touch to what we do.”

On the differences between doing signings at his one-man shows as opposed to conventions:

“Yeah, it’s a lot different, but I would say I enjoyed both equally. By the nature of the meet and greet lasting only 90 minutes or so after a show, you can’t spend too much time with any one person. Whereas over the course of three days, especially if I see someone needs a little extra attention, I’m pretty good at figuring that out being an autism dad. I can spend a little more time. I can do what I need to do to make people feel like the time they’re spending in that line, and hopefully, it’s not a big line, hopefully, it’s just a steady flow, but not a prohibitive line. I can do what I think needs to be done to make that person feel like the time they spent at that line and the money they’re paying if there’s money to be paid, is worth it. I really like that feeling when someone walks away from a con and they have a huge smile on their face or they put up a photo and they say that it was an amazing experience.”

Click below for the full interview.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Steve Fall at NBC Sports Boston with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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