Mick Foley: WWE talent ‘hated working with’ Jonah Hill

Mick Foley answered some fan questions on the latest “Foley Is Pod” podcast. Foley was asked about why Jonah Hill as guest GM for RAW never aired:

“He’s not a wrestling fan. There was a reason why Jonah Hill was advertised as the guest GM and it never aired. The guys hated working with him. There were some like Hugh Jackman … The Muppets, they loved it. Almost everyone was a good experience. Jonah Hill was one that didn’t even make the air because he apparently just didn’t want to be there and it showed. I think somebody saw him mouthing to his agent, ‘Get me out of here.’”

Foley’s story about Jonah Hill matches up with what Road Dogg said on his podcast last month:

“I’ll give you an example of a real crappy interaction with a celebrity. Jonah Hill. He came to promote something at Madison Square Garden and they ended up getting hot at him and just said, ‘We’re not doing it. Screw it.’ I think it was Monday Night Raw and Jonah Hill was supposed to be there to promote something. I don’t know if there was a creative difference. I just know a lot of people talked bad about him after it didn’t happen. So yeah, that’s an example of one that didn’t work well and I also don’t even remember the vehicle he was trying to promote, so maybe it wasn’t so great.”

You can listen to the latest “Foley Is Pod” at AdFreeShows.com.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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