Road Dogg recalls ‘crappy interaction’ with Jonah Hill, WWE getting upset with him

This week on the “Oh You Didn’t Know” podcast, WWE Hall Of Famer Road Dogg talked about some of the celebrities that have appeared in WWE over the years and his interactions with them.

Road Dogg recalled working with William Shatner during the early days of Raw:

“William Shatner, so that was way back when. That was my first celebrity run in as a performer as far as having to perform with him. We actually had physical contact on a RAW, a very early RAW I believe it was where he seconded Bret The Hitman Hart, and I as The Roadie seconded, of course, Jeff Jarrett. But after the post match, I think Bret won and then post match, I came in to do something and William Shatner pushed Bret out of the way and hit me. Then he ran my head into the turnbuckle a few times and threw me out over the top rope.”

“Also, I want to talk about the argument that he and I had, that William Shatner and I had, about said physicality, because we walked through it one way, and we started talking about it in the back. He had the spots mixed up. He had it mixed up where he threw me out of the ring and then was going to do some more stuff to me. I thought, well, if I’m out of the ring, how are you going to do some more stuff to me? So we got into an argument, I say argument, it was, ‘No, sir. We’re going to do it this way.’ ‘No, that’s not how we rehearsed it. We’re going to do it this way.’ Finally, Vince McMahon got involved and said, ‘No, it has to be this way William because of this, this is, and this.’ ‘Oh, okay’, and so I was right and William Shatner was wrong. But it was just me being right about wrestling. You know what I mean? Like, of course, I should be right about that.”

On Jonah Hill, who ended up not appearing on the Raw for a guest host spot, despite being advertised all the way up until the day of the show:

“I’ll give you an example of a real crappy interaction with a celebrity. Jonah Hill. He came to promote something at Madison Square Garden and they ended up getting hot at him and just said, ‘We’re not doing it. Screw it.’ I think it was Monday Night Raw and Jonah Hill was supposed to be there to promote something. I don’t know if there was a creative difference. I just know a lot of people talked bad about him after it didn’t happen. So yeah, that’s an example of one that didn’t work well and I also don’t even remember the vehicle he was trying to promote, so maybe it wasn’t so great.”

On Arnold Schwarzenegger:

I remember it well because it was in Baltimore, I believe. We walked in to where D-Generation X normally dresses and there was a sign on the door that said, ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’s locker room.’ It was early in the day when me and X-Pac arrived. So we might have pooped in the locker room and didn’t flush.”

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