MJF says William Regal blocked him from getting signed by WWE, heated segment on AEW Dynamite

MJF and William Regal met face to face tonight on AEW Dynamite after MJF hinted last week that he has secrets that he could spill about Regal.

MJF said that several years ago, he got some work as an extra for WWE. MJF recounted Regal putting him and others in tryout matches. MJF said Arn Anderson, Adam Pearce, Adam Pearce, and William Regal were there to watch the matches.

MJF recalls Regal bringing him into a room and telling him to sell himself with a promo. Regal told MJF at the time that he would get him a job in the company and MJF said he thought he wouldn’t be looked at as an “ADD riddled Jew boy” and he would become a Superstar.

Regal told MJF at the time that 19 was too young and that is why he didn’t get his WWE contract but Regal promised to get him a job as long as he worked hard and sent him a match and a promo each month. After 3 months, Regal sent an email to MJF about his “acting skills” and he told him that MJF would no longer be hired and when “you are one” of the best world class talents then “send me your stuff.”

MJF mocked Regal for getting fired from WWE and sneaking into his company, AEW. MJF ended by telling Regal that now his former company will be bidding on him in 2024 and he plans on becoming World Champion. MJF was a major babyface to the fans after the promo.

Regal talked about being 16 and having to fight at carnivals and he saw exactly in MJF that he was in himself. Regal said he wanted to light a fire in MJF because he saw a big star. Regal gave a passionate speech about MJF getting to the title without cheating and by doing it the right way. Regal turned his back and offered MJF a free shot but the offer was declined and Regal ended by saying, “You still have a lot to prove.” This was an incredible segment.

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