Reby Hardy posts a video about the situation between CM Punk, Young Bucks, and Kenny Omega

Reby Hardy, wife of AEW star Matt Hardy, took to Tik Tok to post a video about the fight that broke out last night while the media scrum was happening.

Reby posted this quote:

“without the bucks AEW wouldn’t exist. I cannot imagine showing up in their houe and talking sh*t on them like that.”

She followed up by posting a screenshot of a tweet that was posted by CM Punk on May 21, 2022:

“Doesn’t matter if your opinion of your coworker is positive or negative. Stand with them. Because they’ll do the same thing to you and you’ll wish someone helped. Trust me. You’re expendable. Together you’re unstoppable.”

Reby’s post seems to line up with Matt Hardy’s post from earlier today

Click here for the latest on the situation between CM Punk, Ace Steel, Kenny Omega, and The Young Bucks, and scroll down to see the video from Reby Hardy.

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