The 300th episode of “What Happened When” on is a look back at WWF World Tour 1990. Tony Schiavone also gave his thoughts on some recent AEW segments.
Schiavone talked about Action Bronson’s match on AEW Grand Slam:
“Hell of a guy. Cool as f**k. If you go back and watch that match, for a guy who’s never wrestled, I thought he was great in the ring. He didn’t try to do things that he couldn’t do, so I was very happy with that match. Sometimes you get these celebrities and you get them involved in the match and you go, eh, but that was good. I thought that match came across very well.”
Tony’s thoughts on Luigi Primo showing up in AEW:
“I love it. I think there’s room for that in wrestling. That is how you get over. How do you think The Acclaimed went from being just another of one our mid-range tag teams to now the world tag team champions and fans buying into their sh*t because of ‘scissor me daddy.’ As we’re recording this, last night on Rampage, the fans were singing to them, ‘Scissor me daddy’, or whatever it was. It was spectacular. A lot of people don’t understand.”
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