Arn Anderson has a lot to say about wrestlers who slap their legs on kicks

This week’s episode of “ARN” with WWE Hall Of Famer Arn Anderson and Conrad Thompson is an “Ask Arn Anything” episode.

This week’s show covers a wide variety of questions. Topics covered include the current wrestling landscape, 80’s promos, Horsemen jackets, the sleeper hold, El Gigante, who he would pick to join him and Ric Flair as Horsemen if they were in their prime today, thoughts on WWE’s God storyline in 2006, wrestlers who slap their legs during kicks, why he doesn’t like Raw Underground, thoughts on Big Cass and Enzo Amore and much more.

Arn gave his opinion on wrestlers slapping their legs on kicks:  “It’s not necessary.  If you make solid contact, you’re going to have your noise.  Just to try to concentrate on creating noise instead of contact, it’s a mistake.  One good solid kick, no matter where it is, if it’s flush, you get it.  It landed.  The smacking on the leg is just one of those things that gets very easy to spot.  I would suggest if they could do it like Bobby Eaton who smacked his shoulder when he threw a punch, you will never see it.  That’s being able to pull off some of the magic of our industry and the magic that keeps you wondering if he cracked him or did he not crack him?  Do they like each other or not.  The difference is doing it well and not being able to see it.”

Click here for more notes from this week’s ARN podcast including his thoughts on Raw Underground and why Enzo Amore and Big Cass had heat with the WWE locker room.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit ARN (Arn Anderson’s podcast) with a h/t to for the transcription

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