Arn Anderson praises The New Day: “Kofi Kingston was a superstar waiting to happen”

This week on The “ARN” podcast, Arn Anderson and Conrad Thompson cover WWE Night Of Champions 2015.

This was the show that included the “buckle bomb heard round the world” involving Sting and Seth Rollins. Arn reveals if he spoke with Sting after the match and he breaks down the card featuring names like John Cena, The Wyatt Family, Charlotte Flair, Nikki Bella, Dean Ambrose and more.

Arn told us why the New Day got over:  “When they came through the curtain, you were going to have fun.  Xavier Woods can no more play a trombone than I can or my dog.  Some of the sounds that came out of that were horrifying and that was part of the entertainment.  Big E is a 900 pound squatter.  Kofi Kingston was a superstar waiting to happen.  Here is that one intangible that I can spot and you can spot.  When it’s very real, you see it.  Those guys love each other and they love being partners.  They love performing and they are having the time of their life and that comes through.  That’s something you can’t fake.  That’s something you can’t pretend to be doing.  Those guys really are a team and they care about each other.  The bond they have is there.  You know it talking to them.  You know it watching them perform and that’s the reason why those guys got over.  What you see is what you get.”

You can listen to the entire podcast by clicking below.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit ARN (Arn Anderson’s podcast) with a h/t to for the transcription

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