Bruce Prichard on the first time WWE tried to run a lesbian story line in 1996

We’re all very aware how Eric Bischoff brought us “Hot Lesbian Action” when he took over Monday Night Raw. But some fans might not remember how WWE (WWF back then) tried to pull an HLA angle out of their box of gimmicks all the way back in 1996.

Goldust was still with Marlena back then and Sable was the eye of her attraction for a bit. She was seen giving Brock Lesnar’s future wife gifts on occasion and a crush was alluded to in some respects. But then all of a sudden WWE flipped the script on us and made it so Goldust was the one giving presents to Sable through Marlena.

It was a clever twist in the story but some have wondered if that angle switch might have been due to the USA Network saying no to a lesbian love affair. Bruce Prichard recently went into this topic on a recent episode of Something To Wrestle With.

“Vince actually got cold feet,” Bruce said. “We started it, and we started it with Marlena coming onto Sable. The idea behind that was the whole package that Goldust package of Goldust and Marlena — this androgynous couple. Both of them probably swing in and every way.”

“So it was started that way and Vince got cold feet. I don’t know if it was pressure from USA or if he just felt watching it that it was uncomfortable going there for whatever reason. But we had planned on going full-hilt.”

If Vince McMahon hadn’t gotten “cold feet” then we might have a very different kind of highlight package to watch from the Attitude Era days. We can’t imagine it would ever get a collection on the WWE Network though. But that was the Attitude Era for you.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard with a H/T to for the transcription

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