Cedric Alexander was not the original plan to be Roman Reigns’ partner on WWE Raw

For those of you that missed Raw, this week’s episode ended with Roman Reigns teaming up with a mystery partner against Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon.

The mystery partner wore a mask during the match but after he lost, his face was revealed and it was Cedric Alexander.

Aside from some comedy work during the chase for the 24/7 Championship, Alexander has not made many appearances on Monday Night Raw since he was moved to that brand during the Superstar Shake-Up but it looks like we might see more of him.

PWInsider noted that there will be some follow-up to Alexander’s involvement on Raw on Monday so it looks like they’ve found something meaningful for him to do, at least for the short term.

One interesting note about Alexander is that he was not the original choice to be Reigns’ mystery partner. The original idea was to have an extra portray the role of the mystery partner but that changed during the hours leading up to Raw after someone pitched Alexander for the role.

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