Chad Gable: ‘Shoosh I Stole From Pauly Shore’s ‘Encino Man’ – The High School Jock Bully Who Just Said Shoosh Like 100 Times In The Movie’

Chad Gable has gone from being a serious tag team wrestler in NXT to being slotted in a comedy role on the main roster and now going back to being more serious. His in-ring and character work has received tons of praise by the fans, especially the work he is doing now in the American Made vs. Wyatt Sicks feud.

Gable was interviewed on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet (scroll down to watch). He talked about being “killed” by the Wyatt Sicks:

“Yeah, that was quite a night. Out of everything I’ve done over the past couple of years, the response to that was so out of this world insane. People thought (I was dead), I can’t tell you the amount of people that thought something actually happened to me. I went to church that Sunday and ran into a little kid who was watching. I was kind of hiding my head from him and he was like making his way around me to get a look at my head and he’s like ‘Where did it (the wound) go?’ I’m like, ‘Well, I mean, I fixed it bud. I went to the hospital and stuff. It was bad.’ He’s like ‘What did they do to you?’ I’m like, ‘You’ll have to tune in tomorrow night and watch’ They were into it. It was really interesting.”

On possibly winning a singles championship:

“I hope so. I feel like I also am disappointed in the fact that I didn’t grab one during that whole run because I also don’t want to give the fans the impression that like, well he’s great, but he’s also just the guy that can’t win the big one, where I know I am and I know I can. But what this is doing is I think for me building that first one to mean almost as much as maybe it’s ever meant for anybody. I’ve come so close so many times. The Gunther stuff, what it did for my career, what Gunther did for my career can’t be overstated. I have him to thank for so much the way he elevated me. Then moving on to the stuff with Sami, from a storytelling perspective alongside the in-ring perspective, we got so much accomplished in such a short amount of time. I feel like for both of us that it left just the right amount on the table for me as a singles guy to be like he did so much there, he got so much done, but he didn’t win the championship. So we’ve got one piece of the puzzle left to fill in, and I’m almost happy it didn’t happen then because of what we got done there. It didn’t need it. I didn’t need it, but now I do and so now it’s still on the table for me.”

On “Shoosh” getting over:

“Shoosh I stole from Pauly Shore’s movie ‘Encino Man’. The bully, the high school jock bully who just said shoosh like 100 times in the movie and it was so funny. Like it was so annoyingly funny. I’ll never forget the first time I did it. We had this one night and I think COVID had kind of interrupted the plans because a bunch of people got sick, had to stay home, all this stuff. It was Detroit, if I remember right, and me and Otis were thrust into this promo segment to open the show out of nowhere. They’re like, ‘Well, you guys can walk and talk and do a promo tonight.’ I’m like, ‘I can say what?’ They’re like, ‘Whatever.’ I was like, we were waiting for this. So I pulled out all these Pauly Shore references and these ‘Always Sunny’ references, absurd stuff that I just liked. It was the first time I ever just did stuff that I liked because I had the chance and lo and behold, the stuff I liked is what resonated with people and it was like this light bulb. The crazy thing is you get people that will tell you this, and it happens in all avenues of life. You get advice from people but it never really clicks until you just do it for once. It was like all this stuff I like resonated with the people and stuck and who would have thought it’d be something as stupid as saying thank you and shoosh.”

On “A Thank You” getting over:

“I think that was by accident as well. That was stolen from I think ‘Always Sunny’ if I’m pulling my right reference, because Charlie on one of the episodes of Always Sunny, he says thank you like three times in a row, but like the last time he said it, he kind of drifts off because I think he had huffed something. I always heard that last time he said it and I was like, That’s really funny. Then it was when I got my master’s degree, and I was being this obnoxious schmuck, so to thank people I said it like that. Then I just heard the people’s response and I was like, Oh, that one’s gonna stay, that’s gonna stick.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Chris Van Vliet with a h/t to for the transcription.

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