Charlotte Flair on why she went to AAA Triplemania, what Ric Flair said when he was asked to be in Andrade El Idolo’s corner

Charlotte Flair was on Renee Paquette’s podcast this week to talk about her recent trip to Mexico, surviving domestic violence, and more.

Renee asked, “What has the last month or so been like for you with everything that’s gone on with your dad getting his release from WWE, him showing up in multiple different promotions. Andrade is at AEW/AAA. What has that been like for you to see them go off and do their own thing right now?”

Charlotte said, ‘Just seeing Manny, he was like, ‘Mami, TripleMania is my WrestleMania.’ To see him go back to Mexico, be proud of himself, feel confident in himself, and be the superstar that he is, especially in his home country, I was like, I’m not missing this for the world. I actually took off two and a half months ago from live events, and if you know me, I haven’t asked off for a live event in like 5 years.

Actually, I’ve never asked off for a live event. I took off, and I was like, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Then with my dad being gone, I asked him on Wednesday, ‘Hey, what are you doing this weekend?’ He’s like, ‘Nothing honey. Why?’ I said, ‘You want to go to Mexico?’ He said, ‘For what, Cancun?  Don’t you have to work?’ I said, ‘No, it’s Manny vs Kenny.’ He’s like ‘Really? Yea, I would love to watch it with you.’ I said, ‘No, Dad, will you walk Manny to the ring?’

He said, ‘You want me to walk Manny to the ring?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Oh my God, yes, honey please.’ He was so excited. He said, ‘What color is Manny wearing? I’ll get matching suits.’ I’m like, ‘I don’t know Dad. Can we just get you there first?’ When Manny asked me back in March, he felt deflated from not being on TV and what was happening. What should I do? He said, ‘Tell me.’ I said, ‘I can’t tell you what to do, and I can’t beg you to stay even though our life is together on the road because you’ll resent me. You need to go spread your wings and do what you do, and if you want to come back, I’m always going to be here. I’m always going to support you.’

It was the best thing for him. My dad said yes to come to Mexico. He wasn’t able to get his white suit made in time, but let me tell you a little story. My dad met me in Pittsburgh to fly to Mexico, but all of his flights were delayed to get from Atlanta to Pittsburgh, so he rented a jet just to get to Pittsburgh.  That’s how much it meant to be by Manny in AAA. It was so amazing.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “Oral Sessions with Renée Paquette “ with a h/t to for the transcription.

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