CM Punk and Colt Cabana’s friendship is apparently over

CM Punk and Colt Cabana’s 15+ year friendship is apparently over, according to MMA insider Front Row Brian. Brian, who is usually spot on with his news and has tons of contacts in MMA and pro wrestling, noted on twitter that Colt Cabana and Punk no longer follow each other on twitter and that Punk went nuts after he learned that Cabana attended a Monday Night Raw show and went backstage. Apparently, Cabana took photos and Punk was not happy about that and Punk apparently believes that Cabana being backstage at Raw hurts his defense against WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann.

Punk and Cabana were sued last year by Amann after Punk went on Cabana’s podcast and ripped on WWE and Amann for the way WWE handled his injuries while he was still working for them. The case is ongoing and the last we heard was that there was a trial call date set for May 21, 2018, so it will be a long time before this case is settled.

Punk and Cabana’s friendship dates back to the late 1990s when they first broke into the business in the Chicago area. Hornswoggle recently noted in a shoot interview with Kayfabe Commentaries that his 10+ year friendship with Punk ended after Punk got upset when Swoggle asked Punk for a phone number of a mutual friend. Swoggle said that Punk took that as him using his friendship to get a phone number out of him and that was the end of the friendship.

I guess we won’t be seeing Cabana or Hornswoggle cageside for Punk’s MMA debut at UFC 203 on 9/10.

Check out Front Row Brian’s tweets on Punk below:

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