D-Von Dudley talks about The New Day and his latest run in WWE

WWE star D-Von Dudley recently spoke with NOLA.com to promote Monday’s WWE RAW taping in New Orleans. Here are the highlights.

On The New Day:

“We definitely have our sights on New Day. They’re a great bunch of guys, extremely talented, funny as hell. When we’re in the ring with New Day, it reminds us of Edge and Christian. Not only are they funny and talented, but they can go. That combination, all three of them put together, is really, really good.”

On the future of The Dudley Boyz’ in WWE:

“It’s been an amazing roller coaster ride, and there is no end right now. We’re still going strong. After 20 years, we’re still relevant. It’s been incredible. I don’t think there could have been an actual writer that could have wrote this any better than we’ve played it out. I don’t think that we could have ever predicted the stardom, the success that we’ve had within those 20 years.”

The full interview is available at this link.


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