Dax Harwood: Sasha Banks ‘feels slighted and she has a reason to feel that way’

Dax Harwood will now be starting his podcast, FTR with Dax Harwood, on AdFreeShows. The host, Matt Koon, said this isn’t really a replacement for William Regal as there were plans for this podcast to start December 29th even if Regal continued.

Among many topics, Dax gave his thoughts on Sasha Banks:

“She knew what gender Finley (his daughter) was before me and my wife did. So we found out from the doctor, they gave it to us in an envelope, and we gave it to Sasha and her husband. The way we’re going to tell our family was through Cake Pops. The inside was either going to be blue or pink. She called the cake shop and let them know what the gender was. She was the first person that knew.”

“I think that, just like me, I feel that sometimes she gets a bad rep because of how passionate she is and how much she wants. You know, she wants it all, but she wants to work for it. That’s the same with us. Like, I want everything this business, but I want to work for it and I want you to know that I’m going to work hard for you, and that’s her, man. She knows what she deserves, and she knows what she’s earned, and she works her ass off to get it, and if she doesn’t get it, she feels slighted and she has a reason to feel that way. Huge star, huge heart, beautiful human being, the greatest woman wrestler of all time. I think she’s just incredible.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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