Exclusive: Jim Cornette comments on Kevin Owens’ title win

WrestlingNews.co reached out to Jim Cornette to get his thoughts following Kevin Owen’s Universal Championship win on this week’s Monday Night Raw.

Cornette sent us the following:

“I still remain confused as to why people are convinced I am upset that a company I don’t care about on a program I don’t watch gave a belt to a guy I made World champion 5 years ago. I never said he couldn’t work or his promos were bad, I said he was a pain in the ass to deal with and refused to do what he was told without endless argument. I was wrong in that I thought he would never change. Obviously he HAS changed, or WWE wouldn’t put up with him. So, much like with Generico dropping his silly name and gimmick, once they took my advice they prospered. They just weren’t willing to change for the ROH pay scale. What I’m REALLY suicidal about is the recent heat and humidity warping my hardwood floors.”

There you have it. Cornette will talk more about Kevin Owens on The Jim Cornette Experience. You can listen to the show by visiting JimCornette.com or MLWRadio.com. You can also subscribe via iTunes.

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