Extreme Rules 2014 full results

The Extreme Rules pre-show is on now on the WWE Network. We will have results up shortly when the pre-show match starts. We are live from The Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

They are showing recaps right now. Hornswaggle vs. El Torito is coming up shortly. There were CM Punk chants heard a couple of times so far during the pre-show.

EL Torito vs. Hornswaggle – They had a small commentators table in front of Lawler, Cole, and JBL. They introduced themselves as Micro Cole, Jerry “The Mini King” Lawler, and WeeBL. They had a mini ring announcer too doing the ring introductions and a mini referee. Torito grabbed a mini folding chair and brought it into the match. He used it to set up a bronco buster on Hornswoggle. They also had a mini ladder. Hornswoggle missed a splash off the top of the ladder. They actually did a commercial for Extreme Rules and Legends House in the middle of this match. Hornswoggle cleared the mini announce table and hit an elbow from the ring apron and breaking the table. Fans chanted “this is awesome.” 3MB set up a mini table in the ring. Lots of interference from 3MB and El Matadors. They did a crazy spot. El Matadors held Majal on their shoulders and Torito did a crossbody on Mahal and they all crashed through tables and ladders. The mini announcers joked that they get the network for half off. Drew also crashed through a regular sized table. Torito hit Hornswoggle with a mini chair, a sentan and then a pin. El Torito wins. Some good stuff, lots of comedy but too much dangerous stuff for a comedy match.

Byron Saxton interviewed Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger backstage.

The announcers wrap up the pre-show and now we get the start of Extreme Rules. The show starts with the standard opening video package.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro – Paul Heyman introduced Cesaro. He said “we as the tribe of extreme unite together and celebrate the fact that MY CLIENT BROCK LESNAR CONQUERED THE UNDERTAKER’S UNDEFEATED STREAK AT WRESTLEMANIA!” Cesaro hit the swing on Swagger in the match. It looked ike they screwed something up. RVD had the pin but the announcers thought that maybe it was a 2 but they fixed it and announced that Swagger was indeed eliminated. RVD hit his spinning leg kick onto Cesaro while Cesaro was draped over the guard rail. RVD missed a frog splash onto a trash can and then got hit with Cesaro’s neutralizer. Cesaro wins.

Stephanie backstage with Daniel Bryan. She tried to tell him that she can’t control Kane and she’s afraid for Brie and Bryan and afraid for his mother having to watch Bryan get decimated. She told Bryan that he could just officially surrender the title tonight so he doesn’t have to compete. He told her to get out of his face and he will walk in and out of the match as WWE champion. Steph said Bryan will be Kane’s bitch.

BOLIEVE vignette.

Alexander Rusev vs. Xavier Woods and R-Truth – Rusev was introduced by Lana. She said the president of Russia is her role model and idol and the match is dedicated to him. That led to chants of USA from the crowd. Truth dedicated the match to the United States of America. Rusev attacked before the match got started. He bounced Xavier’s head off the steel under the ring. The official started the match. There was a “We want Lana” chant. A fan held up a “Where is Phil Brooks” sign. Xavier Woods was tended to by paramedics. Rusev won over R-Truth with the accolade finisher. Lana instructed Rusev to attack Xavier. Rusev did a Razor Ramon fallaway slam on the outside on Woods.

Juicy drops commercial. They introduced members of the New Jersey special Olympics team sitting ringside.

Renee Young interviewed The Shield.

Bad News Barrett vs. Big E (Intercontinental title match) – The fans are behind Barrett. We had some internet issues due to a record amount of traffic coming in to the site tonight. Big E hit a spear on Barrett through the second rope. That looked like a bad landing. Big E kicked out of a near fall after the winds of change. He also kicked out of Wasteland. There were boos for Big E when signaled for the big ending. Barrett hit the bull hammer for the win. He definitely looks like he’s going face soon.

WWE Stack Down figures commmerical followed by the last Adam Rose vignette before he debuts tomorrow night on Raw. That’s followed by a video package for Evolution vs. The Shield.

Evolution vs. The Shield – Batista is sporting a full beard. The match started with all 6 in the ring fighting until The Shield cleaned the ring out. Rollins started the match against Triple H. Rollins did a sick dive to the outside through the ropes on Triple H. Really good match. Ambrose put the figure four on Orton but it was broken up by Triple H. Reigns went for a spear but was sidestepped by Triple H and ended up crashing into the steel steps. Later in the match Reigns cleaned house on all 3 members of Evolution and hit the superman punch on Batista. They hit the triple powerbomb on Batista but Triple H pulled Reigns out of the ring before the three count. Rollins dove but Triple H moved. Rollins crashed on the outside in a nasty fall. Triple H hit the pedigree but Ambrose took out Triple H. Batista draped his arm over Reigns for a near fall. Great great match and the fans are hot for this. Orton hit an RKO on Reigns. Rollins broke up the three count. Triple H and Orton beat up on Rollins outside. Ambrose did a running leap from the announcers table on Triple H and Orton and the brawl continued into the crowd. They fought up into the stands while Batista and Reigns were in the ring. Rollins did a dive from the stands to the section below on Triple H and Orton. Wow. Back in the ring, Batista hit a spinebuster but just as he was about to hit the Batista Bomb Reigns broke free and hit the superman punch and the spear. Those guys put everything into that match and will feel it in the morning. Crazy stuff.

Legends House commercial. Noelle Foley is sitting behind the announcers.

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena -Cena comes out first. The New Jersey crowd loves Bray Wyatt. There were loud “Lets Go Wyatt” chants from the crowd. The announcers kept pushing the storyline of the crowd “buying” what Wyatt is selling. Cena looked like he was going to try to escape early but he stopped when he saw Harper and Rowan outside waiting for him. The second time Cena tried to climb out he was pulled in by Bray. Cena was climbing t he cage but stopped when he saw Bray doing the spider walk towards the cage door. Cena got a near fall after hitting a sit down powerbomb on Wyatt. Cena tried to get out through the door but Rowan closed the door on him. Cena tried to force it open but Harper joined in and pushed alongside Roawn. Somehow Cena was able to open it but Bray attacked from behind. Cena tried climbing over top but Rowan climbed up and pushed Cena back in on his shoulders. Cena hit a bulldog off the ropes, climbed out again but Harper met him on top of the cage and hit Cena with punches. Harper went in the cage. Cena went over the top as Bray went for the door. Rowan had a chair causing Cena to go back in the ring. Cena got the STF on Bray but Bray broke it with the ropes. Rowan pulled on Bray by the door but Cena was able to pull Bray in by his legs. They’re really making Bray look weak with all of this help and the point of the cage is supposed to be to keep everyone out. Cena hit an AA from the second rope. Again, Cena climbed but was met by Rowan on top. Cena grabbed his beard and then hit a leg drop on Harper in the ring. Cena crawled towards the door very slowly. Just as he had the match won he turned around for a second and then was about to walk out as the lights went out. A kid (with his voice distorted) was in front of Cena singing “he’s got the whole world in his hands” and that stopped Cena in his tracks. Bray hit sister Abigail and walked out for the win. The Wyatt Family walked off with the kid. They need to kill this angle.

They went to the all-star panel Josh Matthews, Booker T, Alex Riley, and Sheamus. They were all “in shock” over what just happened. They showed highlights from the WeeLC match from earlier.

Paige vs. Tamina for the Divas championship – Paige hit a powerbomb from the top rope. The crowd didn’t react much to this match. Paige went for her modified scorpion crosslock and got the submission win.

Backstage Bray tells the boy (little Johnny) that he did well. He gave the boy a sheep mask and the boy said (with the distortion) “follow the buzzards.” Just a guess but my hunch is that “Little Johnny” is supposed to represent the child version of John Cena.

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship – Daniel Bryan came out first. No Brie Bella, at least not yet. Bryan attacked as Kane made his way down to the ring. Kane slammed Bryan onto the top of the barricade with a chair on Bryan’s back. Kane wedged a chair in between the ropes but Bryan hit him with a kendo stick. Kane hit Bryan over his back with a chair. “Little Johnny” is trending worldwide. Kane sideslammed Bryan onto the chair and got a 2 count. Bryan got a drop toe hold and caused Kane to crash into the chair in the corner. That was followed by a missle dropkick and then Bryan did a flying dive on Kane on the outside. Bryan used the announcers table cover and TV on Kane. Bryan jumped off the spanish announce table and hit a DDT on Kane. They fought up the ramp. Kane drove Bryan into the set. They brawled backstage and then to the garage area onto a car. Kane hit a back body drop and Bryan was slammed on the car. Kane punched and missed Bryan but ended up punching through a car window. Bryan hit Kane with a tire iron. Kane was knocked out so Bryan used a forklift to bring him back into the arena. Bryan used the forklift do dump Kane in the ring. Bryan did a diving headbutt off the top of the forklift but wasn’t able to get the three count. Bryan went for the running knee but Kane caught him with a chokeslam. Bryan hit Kane with repeated chair shots and then got the Yes lock on him. Bryan used the kendo stick while he had the lock on him but Kane was able to pull himself out of the ring. Bryan dove on Kane but was chokeslammed through the announce table. Kane took out a can of gasoline and poured it on a table on the outside of the ring. Kane lit the table on fire. Bryan pushed Kane through the burning table and Bryan hit Kane with a knee to face for the win. Bryan retains. Kane stood up and stared at Bryan as Bryan was on the walkway as Kane’s music played so I guess this feud will continue. That’s the end of the show.

Thanks for joining us. We will have live Raw coverage tomorrow night.

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