Former WWE announcer says Andrade is innocent and there’s more to the story behind his suspension

There might be more to the story behind the wellness policy suspension of WWE Raw Superstar Andrade.

In a video posted on Facebook, former WWE Spanish-Language announcer Hugo Savinovich says he’s been asking around about the circumstances surrounding Andrade’s wellness policy suspension. Savinovich has connections in the business and he was the person who first broke the news about issues between Vince McMahon and the Saudi Crown Prince backstage at Crown Jewel in November before the travel issues that affected the WWE roster.

Savinovich says that no one will speak up about Andrade’s situation because they are afraid of the company.

He said, “The situation with Andrade bothers me a lot because I have been one of those people supporting him 100 percent – his reputation, his professionalism and his family lineage. Now, while studying this case, I’ve found out some things. Wrestlers in the company have much more information on this and how the drug testing works.”

Savinovich compared Andrade’s situation to another WWE star. He recounted what Primo Colon said about his wellness policy failure. Primo said that he was in Puerto Rico since WWE wasn’t using him and the company wanted him to pay his own expenses to fly to the United States just so he could take a drug test. Primo said he was not going to fly out but he would be happy to give a sample at a facility near him in Puerto Rico. Savinovich recounted that Primo said that he didn’t hear back from WWE until they announced that he failed their wellness policy.

Savinovich continued, “Wrestlers in WWE have commented about this situation in the locker room, a world where you’ll hear all sorts of things. Andrade, I dare say it publicly, I understand is innocent.”

Savinovich said Andrade was not given a chance to prove his innocence before WWE announced his wellness policy suspension and he’s heard about this situation from top wrestlers in the company.

It’s worth noting that Andrade went on week-long vacation with Charlotte Flair in late December. If WWE decided to have wrestlers drug tested around that time and if Andrade chose not to cut his vacation short so he could fly back to the United States, then he could have been flagged for violating the wellness policy even without a test sample. It’s also possible that he ate or drank something that was tainted and that may have come up on a drug test.

It’s still not clear if that is what the true story is and we may never know what happened unless Andrade and/or someone from WWE says something on the matter.

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