JBL Says Speculation About His WWE Contract Status Is ‘100% Wrong’

John Bradshaw Layfield, aka JBL, has made several appearances for various promotions in recent weeks, including AAA, GCW, and TNA Wrestling. During a match at these shows, he comes out to lay out someone with a clothesline.

This has raised speculation among fans about his status with WWE and whether he is under a Legends deal with the company. This deal allows WWE to license the likeness of former WWE stars and sell merch, but it doesn’t prevent them from appearing in other promotions.

While doing a Q&A with Gerald Brisco for Sportskeeda Wrestling. JBL discussed this speculation.

JBL said, “Let me….I’m gonna answer this as politically correct,not politically correct, as correct for me as possible. I’ve never answered a question about my contract and I can tell you 100 percent for this, I’ve seen speculation about me on the internet. It’s all wrong. 100 percent wrong. I’m not gonna answer whether I am or not because WWE has always had a confidentiality clause in it and I’ve never thought it was good business to discuss my contract or anybody else’s and so, I’m sorry but I refuse to answer but I will say that the speculation about me has been wrong.”

When asked whether he’s interested in going to AEW, he stated he never told anyone he was showing up in other promotions, but chances are he’s probably not going to AEW. JBL added that he’s not saying that something like that wouldn’t happen, but he’s been associated with WWE for nearly 30 years and knows they gave him his big break.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Sportskeeda Wrestling with an h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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