Jim Ross compares WWE fans booing Roman Reigns to Kurt Angle’s “you suck” chants

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross recently took to his podcast, The Ross Report, to discuss several professional wrestling topics. During the show, “Good Ole’ JR” talked about WWE fans constantly booing Roman Reigns. He offered a rather interesting comparison.

Ross said fans’ booing of Reigns is similar to that of the way they chant “you suck” during Kurt Angle’s entrance, or the “John Cena sucks” chant at Cena himself. In Ross’ estimation, it’s simply more of ‘the cool thing to do’ rather than their true feelings about Reigns:

“I just think it’s almost like when Angle comes out, it’s, ‘you suck!’, ‘Cena sucks’… I think people think it’s the thing to do and they’re not hip or cool if they don’t do it as evidenced by the crowd looking to do a hostile takeover in Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania] [at Extreme Rules]. I wasn’t too crazy about it.” Ross continued.

“I just think it’s a topical thing and people think it’s cool. That’s the best answer I’ve got for you. I don’t know why it would be. And nobody can tell us why exactly it is. We’ve all got a theory and that’s all it is. Let it play out.

“And I had a little experience in talent relations. I would have no issues hiring Roman Reigns today even if I knew what adventure it would be in head of us. He’s that big a talent.”

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions

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