Jim Ross expects some surprises and returns of all time greats tonight

Jim Ross has a blog entry up at JRsBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:

Spent a lot of time with Steve Austin & ‘brainstorming’ some potential projects.

Our next RINGSIDE: Evening w/ Jim Ross show will be in Toronto on Friday May 9 at the Danforth Music  Hall. Tickets for the one show only event are on sale now at ticketmaster.ca or hit jimrosslive.com. There are only 100 VIP Meet and Greet tickets and the meet and greets will be before the show in TO. This is our biggest venue to date but I’m confident that Toronto will respond and join me on Friday May 9 which is the evening before the ROH- New Japan event in TO that I plan on attending.

On attending last night’s WWE Hall of Fame ceremony:

Want to thank WWE for the invite and for the great seats to the HOF. Long event for the over hydrated. Lots of memorable soundbytes paired w/ raw emotions throughout the show. Anxious to see how it played on TV.

The speeches were certainly unique as they should be and my only critique, and Lord knows most fans love critiques, is that  some could have gone shorter.  I wish some fans who seemingly have an obsession to verbally interject themselves would re-think that mindset.

There is more on JR’s blog. Ross talks about his expectations for tonight’s WrestleMania 30 event in New Orleans. Click here to read JR’s latest blog entry.

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