Jim Ross on false CM Punk Rumors, New Age Outlaws, Daniel Bryan, and more

Jim Ross posted a new blog today over at jrsbarbq.com. Here are some of the highlights.

On the New Age Outlaws:

The New Age Outlaws, who walked out on CM Punk a few weeks ago which should make them villains, won the Cage Match over the Rhodes boys in a finish that surprised me.

Critics of the veteran, New Age Outlaws seem to be overlooking that their presence is to help shed more spotlight on the tag team scene which many fans have bitched about being non existent for the longest time. Tag team wrestling in WWE, far from being perfect, is infinitely better today than it has been in a good while.

Plus, the veteran duo working with the younger teams on the road at live events is strategic and good booking.

On the fake CM Punk stories that floated today:

Seems as if some fans fabricated stories about being kicked out of the Omaha event because they were chanting for CM Punk. I seriously wonder if these fans actually think that they can make a difference in the PUNK-WWE matter or if they are merely trying to attract attention to themselves? I lean to the latter.

I am not a fan of those who want to verbally “hijack” and distract a TV show. Again, I question the agenda of many of the culprits.

Ross seemed to take a jab on creative with this comment:

I’d expect the appearance of the talented Betty White next week on RAW to be entertaining because I sense that many within creative are more versed and comfortable in writing material for folks like Ms. White than they are for wrestlers.

There’s tons more at JR’s website. Click here to read his latest entry.

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