Jim Ross Says He Turned Down Offer From Tammy Sytch; Ross Says She Wanted To Move In, Cook And Take Care Of Him In The Bedroom

On the latest “Grilling JR” podcast, Jim Ross opened up about a surprising proposition he received from former WWE star Tammy Sytch, aka Sunny. Following the passing of Ross’s wife, Jan, Sytch offered to move in with him, promising to be a “good girlfriend” and take care of him. Ross recounted Sytch’s personal issues and the proposal he says was made by her:

“She got break after break after break. She brought a lot of this sh*t on herself. I remember her offering she wanted to move in with me in Oklahoma at one time.”

Following the passing of his wife, Jan, Ross found himself the target of Sytch’s advances. He recounted her proposal:

“Yeah, I’m a good girlfriend. I can cook. I’ll take care of you in the bedroom. Blah, blah, blah, and we can have a great time. And I thought about it for like, 10 seconds. No way in hell. I mean, I might be naive and lonely and heartbroken, but god damn it, I already been down that road. I already saw what she was all about, and I wasn’t going to bring myself into the dramatic aspect of my life, and I’m sure as glad I didn’t do it. A piece of ass is a piece of ass. What the hell. Ain’t worth the trouble…I dodged the bullet there. I promise you.”

Despite admitting to feeling lonely and heartbroken after his wife’s death, Ross ultimately rejected Sytch’s offer. He clarified that he and Sytch had no prior sexual relationship and that her proposition came completely out of the blue.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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