JTG doesn’t seem to be buying Hulk Hogan’s apology for racist comments

Hulk Hogan’s return to the WWE fold has caused a lot of controversy within the professional wrestling community.

Several years ago Hogan was fired from WWE after some racist comments of his became public after a leaked sex tape. Hogan used the n-word several times in addition to some other disgusting comments. Earlier this year WWE reinstated Hogan into their Hall Of Fame. This was paired with an apology to the entire WWE roster backstage at their Extreme Rules pay-per-view.

Former WWE star JTG recently wrote a blog on The Sports Daily where he discussed Hogan receiving forgiveness for his actions after his recent apology. JTG expressed how much of a hero Hogan was to him in his childhood. When the news broke of Hogan’s use of the n-word in 2015, JTG initially let it slide.

Once the full transcript of Hogan’s comments were released, however, JTG’s stance changed completely:

“See, not only did my hero use the n-word in the context that he did, he also admitted to being racist,” JTG said. “Lets put aside for a second that he said ‘f–king N—-r,’ let’s focus on the fact Hulk Hogan ADMITTED to being a racist!

In regards to Hogan’s apology, JTG says that in his experience he has realized that “sorry” is just a word:

“I learned through experience that ‘sorry’ is just a word,” JTG said. “If you catch a friend stabbing you behind your back and you turn around and confront them and all they have to say is ‘I’m sorry,’ is it sincere?”

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