Kevin Owens had a great way of showing his favorite for the Elimination Chamber match

Kevin Owens is a big fan of pro wrestling and any fan has their favorites. With the Elimination Chamber approaching seven Raw Superstars have the chance to fight in the unforgiving structure to become Brock Lesnar’s opponent at WrestleMania 34. But if you ask Kevin Owens, he has someone he’d rather see win.

Finn Balor and Kevin Owens go back and The Prizefighter is obviously a fan. Since they’re not on the same brand Kevin can show his allegiance to The Demon through his choice in foot apparel. Those Finn Balor socks are too sweet and Owens obviously realized that when he sent out a shot to proclaim his pick for the Elimination Chamber match.

It’s interesting that a bad guy on SmackDown Live like Owens would root for a babyface on Raw. But with someone like Finn Balor, it’s completely understandable.

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