Kofi Kingston says he’s clamoring to turn heel, talks WrestleMania, and more

by Ring Rust Radio

Ring Rust Radio with Kofi Kingston
Host: Donald Wood
Audio available at Blogtalkradio.com/ringrustradio

On Turning Heel: I would love to, first and foremost, I’ve been clamoring at that for a while now but the situation has to be right and the timing has to be right; everything has to be right. I wouldn’t want to just do it for the sake of doing it because you might get lost in the shuffle that way. If the situation was right, it would give me a chance to do something completely different and show people a side of me they have never seen before, which I think would be great and I think would be fun.

On being in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: “Yeah I would love to get involved with that. Any type of royal rumble/battle royal I always look forward to because I usually get to do some pretty cool things and then on top of that just to be involved with a match dedicated to a man with the profile and the caliber of Andre the Giant I mean, when you think about that it’s awesome I mean how cool would it be to be the first guy to win it, I think it would be really really cool. I think it’ll be a lot of fun and I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw a lot of throwback guys come back for that match too because that’s usually the case with the Royal Rumble, there’s always a couple of surprise entrants so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some surprise entrants here too and I’d love to get in the ring with some legends if possible because that would be an experience, as a fan, that I’ve dreamed about. So who knows what’s going to happen, I haven’t been officially announced into it but I am assuming that I’m going to be involved in it in some way, shape or form.”

On not competing at WrestleMania 29: “Last year, it was the worst. It was the worst thing of all time. Well, not the worst thing because doing the pre-show panel I was able to do something that I hadn’t really done before and on top of that, being there with Dusty Rhodes and Mick Foley was amazing because they’re two legends and I’m sitting there in between them just like ‘oh my god’. It was a cool experience but at the same time as a WWE Superstar your goal is to be on Wrestlemania in some way, shape or form so you can be part of the show and when you’re not, it definitely is a blow to your ego because it’s almost like you set out to be something that you didn’t do. But it’s also eye opening and motivating for the next year because you remember where you were at that point and you try to not end up there again. Hopefully with this Battle Royal situation I’ll be able to get back in there and do what I love to do because as WWE Superstars all you want to do is be on WrestleMania.”

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