Lots of concern over Daniel Bryan’s neck; Sheamus heel turn delayed

For those wondering about the WWE title situation, here is the latest. The company will not be taking the title off Daniel Bryan but that could change depending on what doctors say on Thursday. ​The Sheamus heel turn will probably be delayed until Daniel Bryan comes back. As noted, last week was supposed to be the kickoff to Sheamus’ heel turn. The company expected the fans to become outraged over Sheamus kicking Dean Ambrose out of the ring to win the battle royal but the fans didn’t react how they wanted.

There are a lot of people concerned about Daniel Bryan even though it’s been reported that he’s having minor surgery. A lot of people have noted that Bryan is someone that has had a lot of concussions and he’s worked a very hard style. It’s possible that doctors will find out things are worse than thought when Bryan goes in for surgery. We will know a lot more on Thursday.

News from the latest Figure Four Daily update was used in this post. Please visit WrestlingObserver.com for subscription informaiton.

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