Mae Young Classic Special to air tonight after Raw

Just in case you weren’t able to catch all the episodes of the Mae Young Classic, the WWE Network has you covered.

A Mae Young Classic recap special is set to air right after Raw on the WWE Network. It will be hosted by Charly Caruso going over the tournament so far. This special will provide a comprehensive break down of the matches in the tournament and give you a closer look at some of the competitors in this ground breaking tournament.

There are also plans to air a six-woman tag match will air with Santana Garrett, Sarah Logan and Marti Belle vs Jazzy Gabert, Kay Lee Ray and Tessa Blanchard. This match was taped on the second day of the Mae Young Classic. Some thought this might have been a dark match but it’s seeing the light of day during this special.

The Mae Young Classic finals will air live on September 12th after SmackDown Live from Las Vegas on the WWE Network. It will most likely be a special worth catching if the rest of this tournament has been any indication of things. The finals will be approximately thirty minutes and will be followed by a full episode of 205 Live.

We’re not going to include any spoilers about who is in the final match of the Mae Young Classic here just in case you’re still making your way through the episodes. But you might want to get them all watched before Monday Night Raw is over if you don’t want the Mae Young Classic recap special to ruin things for you.

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