Matt Hardy shares an old-school Matt Fact like his “Version 1” days

Matt Hardy is probably the greatest living example of career evolution we will ever see in pro wrestling. His gimmicks have literally traveled through space and time in order to create a captivating story to dance in the minds and hearts of his legions of fans.

During his career Matt has been in Team XTreme, Version 1, Big Money Matt, Broken Matt and the list also includes so many subplots like Bitter Matt and Jobber Matt. The point is the man has pretty much done it all in the spectrum of character development. Oh yeah, he’s not slowing down either.

As fans are clamoring to see the Broken Universe make its debut in WWE, Matt decided to post in the vein of an even older throwback. Hardy recently shared an old-school “Matt Fact” just like from his Version 1 days and it’s a pretty impressive factoid. When you think about it WWE could always go back to the Version 1 gimmick because after all, they own it.

But in all honesty, it probably wouldn’t matter which version of Matt Hardy WWE decided to present because fans would love him either way.

Matt Fact: People love The Hardys.

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