More on the Ultimate Warrior death investigation

As noted before, the coroners office will proceed with a death investigation to try to find out what were the contributing causes to Ultimate Warrior’s heart attack. It can take up to 3 months for the investigation to be complete.

Even thought the report on TMZ stated that he died of natural causes, the Communications Director for the Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s Office Carl Gerchick said that the natural causes ruling means that his death was not from homicide or suicide.

“We will continue to do a medical death investigation until we get to the point where we scientifically understand how he got to that point (where he suffered the heart attack), said Gerchick.

As noted before, Warrior’s father and grandfather died in their 50’s but Warrior was also honest about his steroid use and said that that the steroids he took to become Ultimate Warrior probably took years off his life.

Information from the Wrestling Observer newsletter newsletter was used in this post. There is tons more on Warrior’s death and his life at

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