Nancy Grace needs to apologize to the family of Owen Hart

Nancy Grace did a segment last night on her show on the death of the Ultimate Warrior. She had Diamond Dallas Page on the show. DDP noted that he was a very intense guy and he worked out like he was 20 years old.

She said several times that there are “claims of drug use and steroids swirling.” I haven’t seen anyone other than Nancy Grace claim that in regards to Warrior’s death. That could very well be the case but it’s irresponsible of her to say that before the autopsy results are made public.

They showed a list of wrestlers that died young with Owen Hart on the list implying that he was also a drug death.

Owen’s brother Smith Hart issued the following statement:

I think our beloved sister-in-law Martha as well as my entire family should be tremendously offended by the implication of Nancy Grace that my brother Owens demise had anything to do with drugs or steroids. For her to attempt to capitalize on Warrior’s death while his family grieves for personal choices he may have made more than 20 years ago is a sad to day for what passes as journalism today. Breaking news; Many rock stars snorted cocaine in the 80’s. Perhaps we should shut down the entire music industry. We should not buy into any of their such ridiculous libelous statements. We will hear official details from the coroner this weekend and not from some gossip journalist.

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