Natayla reveals what The Rock said when he learned about Jim Neidhart’s death

Natalya, Nia Jax, and Lana were on Fox 5’s “Good Day New York” this week to promote the upcoming season of Total Divas.

The segment started off with the hosts giving condolences to Natalya on the death of her father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart. She said that her friends and family have been there for her. She noted that her father is part of the upcoming season of Total Divas.

Natalya said that her father’s death was shocking because he was not a feeble person. She said, “He was definitely going through some health issues but it wasn’t anything that was gonna take his life. For us, it was finding the right way to say goodbye.”

Natalya says The Rock reached out to her through Nia Jax. “He reached out to me — he actually gave me powerful words of just not really having to say goodbye. He goes ‘you don’t have to say goodbye to your dad. You can have him with you forever.'”

She said that she had trouble saying goodbye and then joked that everyone is going to have to put up with her Instagram posts of her dad.

Listen to Natalya talk about The Rock and her father in the clip below:

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